Member-only story
I kept my heart open to the depravity of Man.
This is what I learned.
When we think of depravity, we may think of Hannibal Lecter from behind the bars of an underground jail cell. Dead, blue eyes staring straight into your soul. Lips slightly part, white teeth together, a sucking in of air and saliva, he is demonstrating this diabolical sound after declaring, “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.” Too often, we mistake depravity as something that will stand out as obvious — like Bozo the clown, or a great white shark. However, depravity in a depraved society is not seen.
Here, on planet Earth, Man has been forced to bend at the waist, sweltering in humidity, while picking cotton or collecting fruit for a mere pittance when all that he needs is already provided for — shelter, food, water. Or, he has a hard, round belly from sitting at a desk, behind a computer screen, after consuming copious amounts of red meat and alcohol the night before. This is what is expected of Man, which makes us blind to the inherent degradation in both of these visages. Tragically, very few societies and cultures remain on planet Earth where men still hunt and squat.
Man today is simply an object with which to make and earn money — a portion for him, and a pile for someone else. A slave of his own creations, he clamors for false freedom found in waging war over…