Member-only story
Have lots of SEX.
Love Sex.
I Love Sex.
Allow yourself to deeply
For the moment.
For the night.
For a week.
For a year.
For 5 years.
For 11 years.
In this moment
Right now.
(Don’t glom onto someone
Just because you had sex.
Check your co-dependencies.
Do you like this person?
Yes? Keep going.
No? Stop.
Does it feel good?
Yes? Go. No? Stop.
Doesn’t matter if it’s been 1 year, or 40.)
Kiss lots of frogs.
Don’t have sex.
Say “No” a lot.
Learn to channel your
Sexual energy.
(“How to do this?” Google it!!!)
Teach yourself how to
Drop your gaze.
Stop objectifying yourself.
(And others.)
Begin to see messiness & divinity
Within you
And come to accept